
Come To The Museum of Wayang

One tourist attraction which is interesting you to visit is the Museum Wayang Kekayon Which is located in Jogjakarta.
The museum was founded by (Alm) Soejono Prawirohadikusumo in 1987.
He is a psychiatrist who believes that art of Wayang is able to deliver one understands science as well as good manners as well as towards maturity, so that one can transform their knowledge to the next generation.
Museum Wayang Kekayon was inaugurated by the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Paku Alam VIII on the 5th January 1991. As a tourist destination,
This museum has a function of education, research, and recreation.
Kekayon Museum also has an auditorium with audio visual facilities are adequate to explain about the museum.
Collection Wayang whose the oldest
age is Wayang Purwa (first), which staged since the kingdom of Kediri,made of buffalo skin with or without accessories, tells the story of Mahabaratha.
The younger was Wayang Madya, appeared at the time of Kediri - Majapahit, which tells the post-war era Bharatayudha.

There are also Wayang Gedhog (story of Candrakirana ), Wayang Klithik (story of Damarwulan and Menakjingga)
Wayang Dupara (Diponegoro war stories), Wayang Suluh (the story of Indonesia's struggle to achieve independence.)Wayang Kancil.
There is also a Wayang Krucil, Beber, Kidang Kencana, a variety of Marionette Wayang from West Java, Wayang Madura, Bali, Thailand, America, India, and other contemporary Wayang.
A unique, you can also match Your Zodiac with figure in Wayang and predict your character.

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