
Sidoarjo Hot Mudflow

Hot Mud Sidoarjo, is a hot mudflow event in the drilling of Lapindo Brantas Inc Renokenongo Village, Porong district, Sidoarjo regency, East Java,
since May 27, 2006, along with measuring 5.9 Richter quake that struck Yogyakarta.
Hot mud flow that lasted more than a year
has caused flooded at residential areas, agriculture and industry at three districts and the vicinity, and also affect economic activities in East Java.
Location mudflow is located in Porong, about 12 km south of the district of Sidoarjo. This sub-district borders the District Gempol (Pasuruan) in the south.
Burst location only 150-500 meters away from the well of the Banjar Panji-1 (BJP-1), which is a gas exploration well, Lapindo Brantas Inc is the operator of the Brantas block. Therefore, Until now, the hot mud flow is allegedly caused by drilling activities of Lapindo Brantas Inc in the well. Lapindo Brantas Inc have two theories about the origin bursts: First, the mudflow associated with drilling activities.
Second, the mudflow coincided with drilling due to something unknown.
However , But more opinions said the incident likely due to drilling, although when opinion practiced can not stop the mudflow.

The location is a settlement and the surrounding area is one of the main industrial area in East Java. Not far from location there are bursts of Surabaya-Gempol toll roads, highways Surabaya-Malang-Pasuruan and Surabaya-Banyuwangi (lane east coast), and cross the railway line east of Surabaya-Malang and Surabaya-Banyuwangi, Indonesia

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