
Enjoy The Tropical Paradise Pulau Derawan in East Borneo

Welcome to the lovely tropical islands in the region of East Borneo, Pulau Derawan.

An island with a sea-colored blue and green shades are stunning, soft sand, rows of coconut palms on the coast, with a small forest in the middle of the island which is the habitat of various species of plants and animals and the natural beauty of the enchanting underwater .
No wonder if this island could be ranked as a top three world-class of dive destination and make this island as a dream for divers.

It is easy to reach this beautiful island. You can fly for about 3 hours to Balikpapan by plane from Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta or Denpasar. From Balikpapan, you still have to fly to Tanjung Redeb dive one hour by plane. In addition, Tanjung Redeb can also be reached by sea, with boarded the ship from Samarinda Tarakan to Tanjung Redeb, followed by rented motorboat.

As a remote island and not much visited by tourists, the island state is still very comfortable. Some lodging is also preparing tools for amateur and professional divers. For the professional usually can hire equipment.
By using a speed boat, to P. Derawan only takes two to three hours. While the boat motor, could be reached after seven hours.

By using a motor boat, visitors can while enjoying fresh air, also can enjoy the scenery and the flora and fauna that exist in the river region. When traveling for example, you can while watching the birds that bertebangan king prawns on the outskirts of the river that was about a mile to two miles it. Along the river, if lucky will be found and saw monkeys long noses (bekantan)

"The island is a most occupancy turtle in the world,"

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