
Seeing the incredible underwater scenery of Bunaken

Like snorkeling and diving? Try to Bunaken. If you've heard the beauty story from your friend, It feels incomplete if you not enjoy it.
Because this marine conservation area that is famous is worth to dive.
With bersnorkeling, indeed visitors can clearly see the various coral reefs and fish in Bunaken.
Although only on the surface, But that was enough to make anyone 'hypnotized' and stay for long time so forget time
While far below the sea there, seen the diver moved slowly, blowing air bubbles.
They were enjoying the charm of the underwater Bunaken extraordinary. Looking at them from above the surface taste arise envy, because they can dive into the beauty of Bunaken as a whole, closer to the coral reefs and diverse biotas.

With scuba diving, divers can enjoy a variety of 'resident' under the sea Bunaken closer,
Many divers interested in visiting the island.
Bunaken is an area of 8.08 km ² island in the Bay of Manado, located in the northern island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
This island is part of the city of Manado, the provincial capital of North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Bunaken Island can be achieved by speed boat or a rented boat with about 30 minutes travel from the port city of Manado.
In the vicinity of the island of Bunaken, there Bunaken Marine Park which is part of Bunaken National Park. This marine park has a marine biodiversity one of the highest in the world.

Overall Bunaken marine park covers an area of 75,265 hectares with five islands within it,
the island of Manado Tua, Bunaken Island, Island Siladen, Mantehage Island follows several children his island, and island Naen.
Although covering an area of 75,265 hectares, the location of the diving is limited at each beach around the islands.
Bunaken marine park has a 20 dive spot with varying depth of up to 1344 meters.
Of the 20 diving spot, 12 of them were located in the vicinity Bunaken Island.
Twelve dive spot is the most frequently visited by divers and lovers of the beauty of underwater scenery.
Most of the 12 dive spots in Bunaken Island lined up from the southeast to the northwestern of the island. In this region there are underwater great walls, which is also called the hanging walls, or reef giant that stands vertically and curved upward.
These reef are also a source of food for fish in waters around Bunaken Island.

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