
Lake of Three Colors Kelimutu

Travel to the island of Flores in particular to Ende is not complete if you have not visited Lake Kelimutu or Lake Three Colors. The Kelimutu Lake is a lake with a lot of stories and mysteries.
The lake is known by three colors, namely red, blue, and white. Even so, the colors are always changing over time.
Kelimutu Lake, located in Indonesia at East Nusa Tenggara island, Ende district. This lake is unique
because color of water from the lake at the summit of Mount Kelimutu namely red white blue. The colors are always changing any time
The third area of the lake of about 1,051,000 square meters with a volume of 1292 million cubic meters of water. Boundary between the lake was a narrow stone walls prone to landslides. This wall is very steep tilt with 70-degree angle. The wall height of Lake ranges from 50 to 150 meters.

Kelimutu lake is a combination of KELI word meaning mountain and MUTU word which means to boil. According to local belief, the colors on the Kelimutu lake has the each of meaning and have a very powerful natural forces.
Lake Kelimutu or Tiwu Kelimutu divided into three sections corresponding to the colours that is in the lake.
The lake in blue color or Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai is a gathering place for the souls of young people who have died
Lake in red color or Tiwu Ata Polo is a gathering place for the souls of the dead and as long as he lived always commit a crime / magick.
While the lake is white or Tiwu Ata Mbupu a gathering place for the souls of parents who have died.
On the Morning is the best time to witness the beauty of the Lake Kelimutu. Meanwhile, mid-morning, or late afternoon, usually Lake Kelimutu views are prevented by a thick fog.

In addition to views of the Lake Kelimutu, can also be watching the other natural beauty at the National Parks Conservation Forest Kelimutu that a lot of overgrown with pine and fir trees and the chirping of the birds that inhabit the National Park area Kelimutu.
Natural wealth of Lake Kelimutu supported also by the cultural richness of traditional houses, traditional dances and handicrafts woven products that are characteristic of local residents. Beside that, there are hot spring , waterfalls , and indigenous settlements that you must visit. If you want to visit, best time is between July and September.

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