
Wonder of Borobudur

Borobudur temple is located in the middle of Java Island, 41 km northwest of Yogyakarta, and 7 km south of Magelang. Kedu plains surrounding it is often referred to as the "Garden of Java" (The Garden of Java), because this land is very fertile, and its population is also very diligent. This plain is surrounded by
4 mountains, namely Mt Cleft (3371 m) and Sindoro (3135 m) in the northwest, and Merbabu (3142 m) and Merapi (2911 m) in the northeast.

When this temple was founded is not known with certainty. Age determination is done by considering the basic mode of building temples and carvings that show middle Javanese style 8th century BC Since built in the 8th century, the history of Borobudur arise drowned. Once completed, borobudur became the center of research and development of Buddhist religion, The followers of this religion, visit Borobudur to study the Buddhist religion..

The entire series of reliefs of Borobudur contains the teachings of the Buddhist religion. At that time borobudur building became the center of attention and revered as a sacred building.Overall, the Borobudur Temple was built with approximately 55.000m3. Borobudur reaching 42 m high, and has dimensions of 123 x 123 m. Borobudur has 10 floors or levels. First to the sixth floor of a rectangular shape, and the seventh to the tenth floor circular shaped

This temple faces east, and consists of 1460 panels, which each have a width of 2 m. Area 2,500 m2 all the walls, and filled with reliefs. The number of panels that have existing reliefs 1212. According to research, the number of Buddha statues around 504, including the statues that are still intact and that has been destroyed. Restoration of Borobudur was performed twice, namely from the year 1905 - 1910, and the latter in the year 1973 to 1983.

One thing that is unique, that this temple has architectural with attractive format or structured in mathematics. Cach of any part of legs, body and head of the temple always has a ratio of 4:6:9. Placement-placement stupa also has significance, and there is a part of reliefs relating to astronomy makes Borobudur is an interesting historical evidence for the observed. One result of this review can be read on the site "In Pursuit of Sacred Science: Architectural Survey of the Rectangular Terrace Levels" by Mark Long.

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