
Ratu Boko

The history of Ratu Boko, begin with Prambanan are large number of inscription dating
from the second half of the eight century to the middle of ninth century have been found
on Ratu Boko hill and at the Kalasan, Loro Jonggrang, Sewu, Plaosan and other candi in particular.

The Sankrit inscription dated in 856 AD is important. From them it can be summarized
that the Buddhist Shailendra dynasti and the Hindu Mataram often cooperated with one another but that in the middle of the ninth century the later defeated the former.
Ratu Boko heritage site lies 3 (three) km to the south of Prambanan temple.
Administratively, it lies between 2 (two) village, at the east of Sumberwatu village,
Sambirejo and the south of Prambanan village.

Visit and enjoy the uniqueness of Ratu Boko temple, the beautiful view of Prambanan and Sewu temple from the top of the hill with mount merapi as the background can be clearly seen from this temple.

Heading to the west, the beauty of Yogyakarta can also be seen. To the south there are scenes of Seribu range of hill surrounded by temples (Barong Temple,  Banyunibo Temple, IjoTemple, Miri Temple, Bandung Bondowoso well and Dawangsari Stupa)


Mount Bromo Erupts

Bromo-Semeru Mountains, a mountain that is still active and most famous as a tourist attraction in East Java. Tourist area is promising a beauty that can not be found elsewhere. From the top of the volcano is still active, you can enjoy the ocean expanse of sand covering an area of 10km square, and witnessed the splendor of Mount Semeru, which rises through the clouds. You also can look beautiful sunrise.

Besides watching the beautiful panorama offered by the Bromo-Semeru, if you come at the right time,
then you can watch Kesodo ceremony, which was held by Tengger society. This ceremony usually begins at midnight to early morning every full moon around the date of 14 or 15 in Kesodo [tenth] according to the Javanese calendar. Kesodo ceremony is a ritual to invoke the abundant harvest or catastrophic decline and cure various diseases, with how to present offerings with tossed into the crater of Mount Bromo. When the procession took place, other Tenggerese rollicking down the cliff of the crater and the offerings being thrown into the crater, as a symbol of blessing from the Almighty.

Cold, that's what you feel when arrive at Mount Bromo-semeru. The temperature here reached 10 degrees to 0 degrees Celsius during at early morning. So, you should prepare for cool clothes, hats, gloves, socks, scarves to cope. But, if you forget the equipment, there are many vendors offering this wares.

To reach this area by using private cars or hire vehicles. There are four main gate to enter the park area that is: Cemorolawang Village if through Probolinggo lane, Wonokitri village with lane Pasuruan, Ngadas village of Malang and Burno village is Lumajang lane.
The route can be taken is as follows:
Pasuruan-Warung-Tosari Dowo Wonokitri-Bromo-use cars with a distance of 71 km.
Malang-Shack-Tumpang Klakah Jemplang-Bromo-use cars with a distance of 53 km
Malang-Purwodadi-Nongkojajar-Tosari-Wonokitri-Penanjakan about 83 km

Currently tourist area of Mount Bromo volcano status temporarily closed, since it was upgraded to 'Look out' by the local government. For tourists who still want to visit, only allowed to enjoy the beauty of Bromo in a radius of 4 km from the summit.



Beautyfully of the Underwater World in RajaAmpat

For most people, Papua is widely known by its culture is still very simple, unique clothes (koteka for example), as well as abundant natural resources, but for divers and lovers of the underwater world, Papua is a diving paradise which presents a wealth of awesome sea biotas. One the famous is waters of RajaAmpat. This region is dubbed as the Coral Reef Paradise / Paradise coral reefs by divers of the world.

RajaAmpat is a new
district division of the Sorong area of ± 4.6 million hectares. About 85% of the area is an ocean, while the rest are group of islands and coral atolls of ± 610 islands. Of the hundreds of islands, only 35 islands are inhabited by native people. Names of Raja Ampat comes from the local folklore about the origins of the ruler in the four largest islands in this region, namely Misool Island, Salawati, Batanta, and Waigeo.

With the breadth of the waters of RajaAmpat and the wealth of marine life is diverse, then the tourists who want to enjoy the underwater panorama can choose some point dive. In the vicinity of the island of Kri, for example, tourists can see the beauty of coral reefs and various kinds of fish that is so amazing, including the type of fish the famous Queensland grouper, pompano, snapper, grouper, reef sharks, tuna, napoleon wrasse, barracuda and giant trevally.

There are many other dive spots that can be searched by divers, such as at The Passage, Island Fam, and Misool Island. In addition to enjoying the wealth of marine life, tourists can also enjoy the historical sites under the sea, including warships and combat aircraft which sank in the waters of RajaAmpat. Not only that, tourists can also enjoy the beauty of the islands in the area of RajaAmpat. Mainland islands in this region still relatively virgin, lagoon and the bay is adequately protected, has a stretch of stunning beaches and crystal clear sea.